SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy

Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency

Have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency

Implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Currently ITB is developing a sensor-based measurement system for electricity and water use and an information system (Electricity and Water Energy Management System or Elisa) to track level of water use and avoid excess water use. This Elisa is a research development works by lecturers in Engineering Physics ITB, from measurement that applied already which is Electricity Monitoring system (SiElis)

The electrical energy information system (SiElis) was developed based on a modular concept with the main components being the Local Module, Central Module, and Cloud System which functions to collect information on the use of electrical energy centrally to determine patterns of electrical energy consumption and automatically perform financial calculations, and the system can accessed from anywhere using Internet of Things (IoT) technology.

SiElis has received funding for ITB Community Service research 2014 & 2016, and its innovation development received funding from the 2016 & 2017 LPIK ITB innovation strengthening program so that it is ready to be implemented directly in the community or industry, which has now reached Technological Readiness Level 7, and is in the stage of Patent registration through LPIK-ITB. In terms of other community services, in 2015-2017 TF-ITB designed the Labtek XIV-SBM ITB building to monitor as many as 21 measurement points both Building, MDP, SDP, floors and several rooms in the building. In 2018 TF-ITB collaborated with the Directorate of Infrastructure and Facilities of ITB for implementation in 4 new buildings, namely: CADL, CRCS, CAS and CIBE where the system will be integrated with the ITB Campus Map.

Smart meter configuration activity using laptop at MDP at Benny Subianto Building / Labtek V

After the installation of the SiElis panel is complete, a data collection test is carried out from the local server that has been created, at the Benny Subianto Building / Labtek V

Nama Gedung SiElis
Labtek V 1 zona
Labtek VI 6 zona
Labtek VIII 1 zona
Labtek VII 1 zona
SBM (Labtek XIV) 21 zona
Center for Research & Comm. Service (CRCS) 1 zona
Center fro Advanced Sciences (CAS) 1 zona
Center for ART, DESIGN & Language (CADL) 1 zona
Center for Infra. & Built Environment (CIBE) 1 zona

Sistem informasi energi listrik (SiElis)

Download Energy efficiency standard and clean energy policy

Carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions

To reduce the amount of carbon emissions from private vehicles on campus, ITB has long taken the initiative to limit the number of private vehicles that can enter the campus area. Students and other campus residents are encouraged to walk in the campus area pedestrian facilities. ITB provides zero emission vehicle in form of bike-sharing program inside the campus area, which is named Garuda Bike. Garuda Bike is a bicycle sharing program combined with IoT technology including GPS, automatic systems, and alarms.

Prototype Garuda Bike di Lab IoT ITB (Dok. Humas ITB)

ITB also provides Shuttle Service (Shuttle) for ITB Students for those who want to travel from Ganesha campus to Jatinangor campus and vice versa.

ITB implements renewable energy sources to reduce fossil fuel-based electrical energy consumption. The latest plan is to add solar panels on FTMD terrace (built in 2022).

In order to fulfill the commitment in reducing carbon emission and maintaining hydrocarbon production, ITB has Center of Excellence for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) which supported by PUI PT (University Center of Excellence Program),

Plan to reduce energy consumption

Have an energy efficiency plan in place to reduce overall energy consumption

An energy audit is the first step in an energy efficiency improvement program. This activity aims to identify energy saving opportunities. Initial audits have been carried out on 28 of the 80 buildings on the Ganesha campus. In the following, the results of the initial audit are presented in the form of an index of energy consumption per m2 per year for each room function

Tabel. Result of initial audit

Public Display of Energy Monitoring System, Labtek SBM ITB

Web Public Display Energy Monitoring System of Labtek VI ITB

Energy wastage identification

Data collection based on ITB annual reports, discussions with ITB management parties (ITB Vice Chancellor for Finance, Planning, and Development, UPT Security, Health, Occupational Safety and Environment (UPT K3L ITB), ITB employees, and students. Data collection is also conducted through direct interviews to get a more in-depth picture and collect technical data, primary data collection will be carried out in the form of visits and interviews and data collection on the stakeholders who own the data.

The details of the steps taken to complete this activity are described below:

Audit Energy

Energy audit activities regarding activities within the ITB campus related to the energy sector and its use, as well as activities that generate GHG emissions and pollutants from the energy sector within the ITB campus. Energy audit activities are grouped into several categories based on: i) area, ii) appliances, and iii) equipment. The results obtained and collected are then processed into study and evaluation materials for the development of a sustainable campus. The results of the processed data are presented in the form of tables, pictures and descriptions


At this stage the process of identifying equipment (appliances and equipment) that has or has not met the labeling standards set by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM). In addition, identification of the use of renewable energy was also carried out on the ITB campus

Data analysis and Benchmarking

Implementation of sustainable campus parameters and standards at ITB related to energy use. The benchmarking stage is carried out to compare the sustainable campus situation that has been implemented by other campuses, both on a regional, national, and international scale.

An energy audit is the first step in an energy efficiency improvement program. This activity aims to identify energy saving opportunities. Initial audits have been carried out on 28 of the 80 buildings on the Ganesha campus. In the following, the results of the initial audit are presented in the form of an index of energy consumption per m2 per year for each room function.

Energy use density

Total energy consumption 8.381.017 kWh, or equal 30.172 GJ

Universiy floor space 687,309.29 m2

Energy and the community

Local community outreach for energy efficiency

ITB in the form of community service in collaboration with alumni, leaders and student associations makes efforts to carry out energy efficiency and clean energy education programs.

For internal ITB, in 2021 there is a Circular Letter of the Vice Chancellor of Resources No. 1820/IT1.B05/TU.09/2021 concerning Energy and Water Saving.

Circular letter regarding energy and water saving

Public Pledge Toward 100% Renewable Energy


ITB held International Virtual Courses regarding renewable energy in power systems

National Webinar: Discussing the Potential and Development of Renewable Energy in Indonesia

Supporting the Strengthening of SDGs, ITB Signs MoU with United Cities and Local Governments Asia-Pacific

ITB International Geothermal Workshop: Towards Energy Transition with Geothermal Energy

Mitsubishi & LPIK ITB Joint Lecture: Additive Manufacturing

The ITB SPITS Team Took First Place in the Marine Paper Competition with its Portable Solar Power Plant

Energy efficiency services for industry

Direct services to local industry:

  • Power Quality Assessment, PT. Crompton Prima Switchgear Indonesia, Pekik Argo Dahono, Prof., Dr.Ir
  • Energy Audit, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi NSO, M. Agus Kariem, Dr., Ir.
  • Verifikasi dan Benchmark Kinerja Efisiensi Energi dan Lingkungan PT PJB UP Muara Karang, PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Unit Pembangkitan Muara Karang, Ngapuli Irmea Sinisuka, Prof. Konsultasi Teknis Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) 4 MWp, PT. Badak Natural Gas Liquefaction, Nanang Haryanto. Dr., Ir.
  • Pengembangan Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)  Untuk Gedung / Stationer, PT Pertamina RTC
  • Program Monitoring Energi Pada Fasilitas Heat Treatment  Pt Yamaha Motor Parts Manufacture Indonesia  Karawang International Industrial City (Paid)

Partnership project with KPI (Kaltim Parna Industri) Inc. in a feasibility study of blue ammonia using CCS/CCUS (Carbon Capture Storage/Utilization)

Pengembangan Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Untuk Gedung / Stationer, PT Pertamina RTC

Design Engineering SMG-VRE di TBBM Merauke, PT Pertamina RTC

Program Monitoring Energi Pada Fasilitas Heat Treatment Pt Yamaha Motor Parts Manufacture Indonesia Karawang International Industrial City (Paid)

Skema Instalasi Sistem informasi Energi Listrik (SiElis) di PT YMPI

Support government in clean energy and energy-efficient technology policy development

Assistance to low-carbon innovation

ITB provides assistance for start-ups that working on energy and low-carbon economy or energy