SDG-8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Living Wage

ITB has two different types of staff, i.e government and non-government staff. The government staff receive basic salary from government budget, while non-government staff receive salary from ITB budget. Both types of staff receive salary with the amount according to Government Rules no. 15 year 2019.

For additional salary/incentives, ITB has detailed policy that can be found in ITB Rector’s policy No 016/PER/I1.A/KU/2015

Download ITB Rector’s policy No 016/PER/I1.A/KU/2015

ITB policy on wage and benefit for both types of ITB staff can be found in SK-Rektor ITB No 260/PER/I1.A/HK/2014 (highlighted sentences)

Download SK-Rektor ITB No 260/PER/I1.A/HK/2014

Discrimination in Workplace

ITB has code of ethics that has to be obeyed by all staff and students, i.e integrity (no tolerance towards sexual harassment) and justice (no discrimination). The proof can be found in Kode Etik ITB. Whenever there is an issue or report about discrimination, ITB forms a special task force to solve and handle the issue.

Download ITB code of ethics